
Proxies: the hidden stand-ins that shape your life a short film, inspired by Proxies and made by James Rattee and Nathalie Abbott

Keep it Clean. James Vincent on Proxies in the London Review of Books.

Someone Made a “COVID NFT” and Sent It to 96,000 People Without Asking. Slate Magazine, by Dylan Mulvin and Cait McKinney

Interview on the New Books Network Critical Theory podcast, with Dave O’Brien

Proxies: what can we learn from the stand-ins that are helping to shape real life? LSE Research for the World Magazine

The Proxies That Shape Real Life, From Yodaville to the Golden Tagliatella MIT Press Reader

Q & A with Dylan Mulvin about Proxies with Dr Rosemary Deller, LSE Review of Books

Home Icons: SAD Lamp Lauren Collee, Real Life Magazine

The Y2K Bug You’re Wrong About podcast

Viral Terminology, Technology, and Capitalism Nathalie Olah, Verso Books Blog

The Millennial Apocalypse (Y2K @ 20) Nellie Bowles, New York Times

A lazy fix 20 years ago means the Y2K bug is taking down computers now Chris Stokel-Walker

“Japanese computers may go haywire when the emperor abdicates next year” Chris Stokel-Walker